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Dr. Sania Nishtar addresses global virtual event to launch ‘The Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission Report’


September 15, 2020: The Lancet Commission on Reframing Non-Communicable Diseases and Injuries (NCDI) for the Poorest Billion (Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission) hosted a global virtual event to launch the Commission’s report and spark a new movement around one of the world’s biggest and most neglected health disparities: NCDIs that kill and disable millions of people in the poorest countries. SAPM Dr. Sania Nishtar was a panellist on session titled, “NCDI and Poverty: How Do We Change Business as Usual? In this high-level panel discussion, Dr. Nishtar was joined by Matshidiso Moeti from WHO AFRO, Lea Kilenga from Africa Sickle Cell Organization and Agnes from Binagwaho, Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission. Addressing the panel, Dr. Nishtar highlighted, “For too long, we have neglected NCDs & injuries for those in poverty. WHO needs to broaden beyond the 4×4 framework for NCDs.” The event marked the publication of the Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission report, which provides the clearest picture yet of the burden of NCDs and injuries on the world’s poorest billion and calls for urgent action to address it. The report can be accessed here.