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Dr. Sania shares real-time evaluation of Ehsaas Emergency Cash with policymakers from Asia


June 25, 2020: UNDP Regional Innovation Hub in Bangkok organized NextGenGov online Summit – Asia Pacific with policymakers from across Asia to capitalize on sharing of experiences with regard to innovations in governance & public service delivery in the COVID-19 context. Dr. Sania Nishtar, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation was a speaker at a session themed, “Voices from Governance trenches: 5 bureaucrats from 5 countries”. Dr. Nishtar shared lessons from the real time evaluation of Ehsaas Emergency Cash program. Addressing the summit, she stated, “Real-time evaluation had been embedded in the roll out of the Ehsaas Emergency cash program that is the government of Pakistan’s response to the COVID-19. This was designed to provide immediate feedback from the field so that mitigating action could be taken in real time.”