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Fifth Newsletter of Sania Nishtar’s WHO DG Campaign


In this final newsletter before the election, public health legends, Sir George Alleyne, along with eight other global health leaders: Sir Cary Cooper, Prof. Pekka Puska, Dr. Robert Beaglehole, Dr. Ruth Bonita, Prof. Alexandre Kalache, Dr. Mohamed Abdi Jama, Prof. Fareed Minhas, and Prof. Samad Shera have come forward strongly to support Sania Nishtar’s candidacy. Read more. Her Royal Highness Princess Dina Mired and Prof. Terence Gibson, Sidney Smith Junior and double Oscar winner Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy have written why she is most suitable candidate. Read fifth newsletter herehttp://www.sanianishtar.info/newsletter-5-may-20-2017/