23rd of May 2023: We are pleased to share that the TFA Advisory Group Quarterly Review Meeting for the second quarter of the current year was successfully held at the Heartfile office. This important gathering took place on the The core committee of the TFA Advisory Group came together to address critical matters concerning the elimination of Trans Fatty Acids (TFA) in Pakistan.
The primary objective of the meeting was to discuss the draft report of the recently completed chemical analyses of iTFA content in food samples. These analyses were conducted with the support of Heartfile by PCSIR, which has recently been upgraded for this purpose. The findings presented in the report played a significant role in shaping our strategies and advocacy efforts and actions needed toward eradicating industrially produced Trans Fatty Acids from the food chain in Pakistan.
We remain committed to our collective aim of eliminating Trans Fatty Acids from the food chain in Pakistan by 2023, and the discussions during the meeting served as a crucial step in achieving this goal.