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Global premier of the documentary ‘Choked Pipes’


September 29, 2015: The global premier of the documentary based on Sania Nishtar’s book, “Choked Pipes” and her work subsequent to that in Pakistan, was held in New York on September 22 as a side session of the United Nations’ 70th General Assembly. The event was hosted by the Rockefeller Foundation and was oversubscribed. The screening of the documentary was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Michael Myers, Managing Director of the Rockefeller Foundation. Panelists included Prof. Linda Fried, Dean of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health; Nata Manabde, Executive Director of the WHO office at the UN headquarters in New York; Director of the film, Randall Wright and Sania Nishtar. The documentary highlights an alternative third health systems model, which along with the existing Beveridge and Bismarck systems can help achieve Universal Health Coverage in Mixed Health Systems. Prof. Fried referred to the model as a ‘stealth reform’ in terms of its ability, both to provide universal health coverage as well as overcome existing distortions of mixed health systems. Complete Documentary video link

CP_NY_2015 The global premier of the documentary based on Sania Nishtar’s book, “Choked Pipes” and her work subsequent to that in Pakistan, was held in New York on September 22 as a side session of the United Nations’ 70th General Assembly

Dr Sania Nishtar resumes her role at Heartfile