April 23, 2020 -Islamabad: Through a virtual meeting, Dr. Sania Nishtar, SAPM on Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation connected with Gerda Verburg, Coordinator and UN Assistant Secretary-General, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting focused on Nutrition, COVID-19 and multisectoral platforms. Dr. Nishtar briefed the multi-sectoral & multi-stakeholder approach being followed under Ehsaas to address nutrition issues in the wake of COVID-19. Verburg lauded the nutrition specific initiatives and collaborations being undertaken by Pakistan to tackle challenges posed by COVID-19 and said, “The spread of COVID-19 has unprecedented effects on nutrition globally. Pakistan’s example of bringing over 100 different actors together on Covid-19 and nutrition is very inspiring and we encourage other countries to do the same.” The SUN Movement Secretariat is based in Geneva and is responsible for liaising with SUN Countries and ensuring the catalytic spirit of the Movement is embedded in the efforts of all actors.