November 21, 2014: Hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the Second International Conference on Nutrition, Â an inclusive inter-governmental meeting on nutrition, was held in Rome from November 19-21. The two main outcome documents of the conference are the Rome Declaration on Nutrition: a political commitment document, and the Framework for Action: a technical guide for implementation. Ministers from 193 countries met in Rome for the first time in 22 years to look at ways to tackle malnutrition.
The meeting was held not only to evaluate the progress made following the first international conference in 1992 but mainly to formulate member countries’ political commitment to addressing malnutrition and other crucial issues related to food, agriculture and health care. Post-2015 and Non-communicable diseases (NCD) featured on discussions as well. Our President was invited as a special guest to speak about NCDs in the post 2015 development agenda in the Roundtable session. The text of her statement can be viewed here