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Keynote at the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit


November 25, 2015: The World Cancer Leaders’ Summit, an annual high level convening hosted by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) was held in Istanbul on November 18, 2015. The meeting “provides an important forum to secure a coordinated, multileveled global response to address the spiraling cancer epidemic”. UICC is a Geneva based apex body with a membership of 900 organizations across 155 countries.

Since the summit was held immediately after the UN’s pronouncement of the Sustainable Development Goals with their focus on partnerships as a key lever of delivery, its theme centered on international collaboration.

Our President, Dr. Sania Nishtar was the keynote speaker alongside the Minister of Health of Turkey at the event. Her talk focused on conflict of interest management, which she explained in an interview “is the bedrock on which partnerships need to be framed”. Her detailed views on the subject can be accessed here: http://goo.gl/NzEbQM

Dr. Sania as the keynote speaker at the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit