November 4, 2019, Prime Minister Imran Khan has today launched the Ehsaas Scholarships Programme for undergraduate students from low-income backgrounds. Ehsaas has 134 policies, programmes and initiatives and this scheme, which is primarily aimed at enhancing access to higher education is key to building a new Pakistan that works for everyone. The Rs.20 billion need-based scheme is a key initiative of BISP and Higher Education Commission (HEC) under which 50,000 scholarships per year will be awarded to undergraduate students (50 percent girls) from underprivileged families and areas over the next four years. Past scholarship schemes focused on post-graduate degree programmes. However, the new Ehsaas initiative represents a major educational policy change with the focus on undergraduate degrees because they contribute the most to furthering income generation potential. Speaking at the event, the Prime Minister said, “This initiative will drive the country’s talented youth from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve academic excellence. People have no idea what a big change this programme will bring. Due to unemployment, the talented and intelligent youth of the country were developing intolerance and a tendency towards negative practices; however, this scholarship programme will help deserving students divert their energies towards positivity”. Dr. Sania Nishtar, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation and Chairperson BISP also spoke at the event. “Undergraduate Scholarships Programme is one of the best opportunities for students who cannot bear their academic expenses. It is an important element of the Ehsaas framework that aims to foster human capital development and shared prosperity through investing in education of the most deserving and needy, particularly girls”.