April 21, 2020, Prime Minister Imran Khan opened the Ehsaas Rashan Portal to facilitate the private sector in providing food rations to the most vulnerable affected in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. Through the portal, the role of government will be to facilitate match-making between donors and beneficiaries (e.g., on geographic basis) and provide data of eligible beneficiaries to donors. Appreciating the initiative, Prime Minister Imran Khan said, “Ehsaas Ration Portal will enable philanthropists, charity organizations and other non-government organizations to reach out to deserving families, besides ensuring establishment of a transparent and merit based distribution system for rashan.” Prime Minister’s Special Assistant on Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation, Dr. Sania Nishtar reiterated, “The role of the government is entirely match-making between credible donors, and eligible beneficiaries.” To facilitate the process, Ehsaas has developed a web-based portal, accessible here.