September 11, 2019, Chief Minister Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar chaired the Punjab Cabinet meeting today in Lahore. Dr. Sania Nishtar Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Poverty Alleviation and Social Protection was invited to brief the Punjab Cabinet about the Federal Government’s Ehsaas program. This is the third provincial briefing on Ehsaas, following briefings in Sindh and Balochistan in the last ten days. All Provincial Ministers of Punjab, the Advisors to the Chief Minister Punjab, the Chief Secretary Cabinet Punjab, the Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Punjab, the Secretaries from the Government of Punjab Finance Department, Information and Culture and Law Department, Chairman Planning and Development Board Punjab, the Senior Member Board of Revenue Punjab and Inspector General of Punjab Police were also present at the occasion together with Federal Secretary Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division. Dr. Nishtar emphasized the commitment of the Prime Minister of Pakistan towards welfare of the disadvantaged, and reiterated that Ehsaas is one of the important vehicles through which this would be achieved. The Cabinet expressed keen interest to strengthen existing collaboration between Federal Ehsaas and Punjab.