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Steering committee of Ehsaas targeted subsidies approves programme design


Oct 29, 2021 – Islamabad: The steering committee of Ehsaas targeted commodity subsidies met to approve the programme design. Dr. Sania Nishtar chaired the meeting. This was the second meeting of the steering committee since its constitution by the Prime Minister in July 2021. “Coming under the Ehsaas umbrella, the national scale targeted subsidies programme will identify beneficiaries through the Ehsaas national socioeconomic survey registry 2021. All the necessary spadework, digital structuring and integrations are complete for the roll out of the programme”, said Dr. Sania. “The number of people to be supported and the exact details of the amount of subsidy will be announced by the PM next week”, she further added. The members of the committee thoroughly reviewed the design contours and roll out preparations for the upcoming programme.