The Gateway Series of Publications
The Gateway Papers are a series of publications, which aim to strengthen the evidence base for health reform in Pakistan. The connotation ‘Gateway’ implies the opening of a new effort to address the pressing health needs of the country. These Papers are authored by the Founder and President of Heartfile.
The Gateway Paper: Health Systems in Pakistan – a Way Forward
The first in the series entitled ‘The Gateway Paper: Health Systems in Pakistan – a Way Forward’ was launched on January 9, 2006; it presented an analysis of health systems in Pakistan, articulated issues and proposed solutions or reform measures at the policy, planning and implementation levels to improve health outcomes within the country. The first Gateway Paper was recognized as a blueprint for a new national health policy in the country. The Gateway Paper can be downloaded.
Gateway Paper II entitled ‘Health Indicators of Pakistan’
Gateway Paper II entitled ‘Health Indicators of Pakistan’ builds further on the first to provide the evidence base for health reform by tracking health indicators since 1947 and presenting a consolidated review of the health status of the people of Pakistan. It also analyzes weaknesses in the current health information systems and is recognized as a template for periodic reporting of health indicators in the country. Gateway Paper II was released on June 26, 2007 and can be downloaded.
Gateway Paper III entitled ‘Choked Pipes: Reforming Pakistan’s Mixed Health System’
Gateway Paper III entitled ‘Choked Pipes: Reforming Pakistan’s Mixed Health System’ was launched in February 2010. The publication charts a roadmap for health reform in Pakistan. A review can be accessible here