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The News-Heartfile public awareness campaign


‘The News International’ is the largest circulating English newspaper in Pakistan, reaching out to over 2.5 million readers every day. The prestigious national daily provided complimentary space for Heartfile articles as part of ‘The News-Heartfile Public Awareness Campaign against Heart Disease.’ The target group for this campaign was the English literate urban and rural population.

Weekly articles along with coloured illustrations of the Heartfile mascot and the logo lettering in red were prominently posted on the inside front page of the newspaper. The style of the articles varied from topic-oriented discussions on a specific aspect of a risk factor to information-based articles generated in response to a particular question; in addition, stories and checklists advocating healthier lifestyles were also published. Boxes were inserted in the articles, inviting questions via e-mail.

The campaign started in February 1999, and at the time of its conclusion in May 2006, as many as 259 articles had been published. The archive of publicaions can be acsessed below. The project evaluation can be viewed here.

Department for International Development, UK; 2001-2004.

Canadian International Development Agency; 1999-2001
